Hiking and Troll Falls

Published on 15 June 2008

I was invited to go hiking today with Nick from the office.

Had a really great time! I thought we had some hiking trails back home in Scotland, but looks like they have got a few more over here!!

Got picked up at 10am, quick stop at Safeway to grab some food, and then it was off to Kananaskis.  Parked up the car, and then started hiking up a trail that Nick had spotted the last time he went hiking. Not going to lie, it was tough going, and it was quite a hot day, still not used to the temperatures over here, but we made it to the top (when I say the top, I mean the peak that we felt happy with stopping at, a couple who were hiking in front of us went a lot further, but we didn't think it was a good idea to follow them, they were hard-core hikers!!). We made our way back down, and then headed into Kananaskis Village, where we were going to visit Troll Falls. This turned out to be well worth it!! Basically, after a short walk through some forest, you got to a reasonably sized waterfall, where you were able to walk right up to it!! Needless to say, I took lots of photos of it, as well as some videos. If you want to look at the pictures you can see them below, if you want to see the videos, then drop me a line, and I can send them to you.

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