My name is Gary Ewan Park and I work as a Senior Software Engineer up here in Aberdeen for Chocolatey Software, Inc.. If you want to get in touch with me, there are a number of social networking sites linked at the bottom of this page, as well as a contact form.
I first started coding at University, (well, I say coding but, what I mean of course is MATLAB), and at my first job I started using the wonderful VB6. As time progressed, I moved onto VB.Net in Visual Studio 2003, and when I started using Visual Studio 2005 I made the switch to using C#. This wasn’t because I didn’t “like” VB.Net, but as I started getting into Web Forms Development, I started seeing a lot of similarities in syntax between C# and JavaScript, and to me, it seemed to make more sense to use C#. Now, I am happy to converse in either VB.Net or C#. However, as I am always saying, it doesn't matter about the syntax of the language, it is an understanding of the Framework, and what it is you are trying to achieve, that is the important thing.
I graduated from the University of Aberdeen with a First Class Honours Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Looking back at the career that I have had, it strikes me that a Computer Science Degree might have served me better. On the other hand though, I do think it helps to be able to know about the hardware side of things, so that you can know what the software is trying to control.
In addition to coding, I love automating things. Especially around automated deployment of code, as well as infrastructure. Automate all the things!
For my sins, I am a self-confessed Microsoft Fan Boy. I don’t know what else to say other than I think that the .Net Framework is a great platform to build on, and I really can’t get enough of it. I am a certified Microsoft Developer, and I am more than happy to talk at length about anything geek related, so if you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.
Outside of work I like running on a semi-regular basis. I used to be an archer at University as well, but since graduating I haven’t done any. This is something that I would like to get back into though.
On 1st July 2017 I was awarded a Microsoft MVP award. You can find my profile here. I am very happy to say that I have been re-awarded the MVP award each year since then!
On 12th March 2021 I was awarded a GitHub Star. You can find my profile here.
I have profiles scattered around the web at the following sites: