A Piece of Cake
C# powered cross platform build automation
Earlier this year, I was blown away by the fact that a talk I submitted to NDC Oslo was actually accepted, and today was the day that it actually happened! To say that I was nervous would be an understatement, but I was very happy with how it went.
As you all may know, all the sessions at NDC Oslo are recorded, and are made available after the fact, so once the video is available, I will update this blog post with a link to the video.
The Code
If you are interested in following along with the demos that I gave during this talk, you can find all the information in my GitHub Repository.
The Slides
If you are interested in seeing the slides from the talk, you can find them displayed below, and also they are available as a download by clicking through to the slideshare site.
As promised, you can see the video of this presentation below:
A Piece of Cake - C# powered cross platform build automation - Gary Ewan Park from NDC Conferences on Vimeo.
This was without question the highest profile event that I have spoken about, and I would love to hear any feedback that you might have about it.
Update 2
I have just received the feedback for my presentation, and I am very happy with the results. For those of you that don't know, NDC Oslo use a very simple scoring system, of green, yellow and red. Green obviously being the preferred outcome.
My results were the following:
Green: 33 Yellow: 7 Red: 2
The one downside to the scoring system is that you don't get any feedback about what exactly wasn't liked, but overall, very happy with the results!
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