Almost time for DDDSW...

Published on 05 June 2011

There are now only 5 sleeps until I start my travel down to DDD South West!!

Looking forward to the day

I debated for a long time as to whether I was actually going to attend this event, but in the end I decided that there were just too many good sessions to pass up on. As is always the case though, there are just too many to pick from, and a number of the ones that I was hoping to see are on at the same time, so I might try to catch them in the Repeat Track. The Repeat Track is not something that I have seen at the other DDD events, and I am very curious to see how it works out.

Getting there

Rather naively, I thought that getting to Bristol was as easy as getting to London, and I left the organisation of the hotel and travel to the last minute (two weeks ago). When I came to try to book travel I was shocked by how much a flight was going to cost. It was going to cost something like £350-400 to get from Aberdeen to Bristol, and Train’s were not much better. As good as the sessions were, travel costs of that much was a bit steep and I started to wonder whether I was going to be able to make it at all.

Then I spoke to Craig (@camurphy) and Colin (@ColinMackay) and found out that they were planning on driving down, so I asked if I could grab a lift, and luckily for me, they said that I could. As the driver, Craig did mention that he would have to:

adopt a RyanAir baggage policy

Sorted! So, now all I have to do is travel down to meet Craig for the first leg of the journey to DDD South West.

Windows Phone 7 Application

In case you haven’t seen it, there is a Windows Phone 7 application for DDD South West (you can find it in the Marketplace by searching for “DDD SW 2011”.

The original version of this application simply listed any tweets on twitter that included the #dddsw hash tag, however, a recent update to the application now includes the agenda for the day. Screenshots below:

DDDSW Windows Phone Application

DDDSW Windows Phone Agenda

I for one will be making extensive use of this application when I am trying to decide which sessions I want to go to.

Helping out

I have also volunteered to help out at this years DDD South West. I don’t know what exactly this will mean on the day, but I am sure that Guy Smith-Ferrier (@GuySmithFerrier) will keep me right.